Monday, February 18, 2013

Taxonomy for Technology

We've all seen Bloom's Taxonomy.  It's not anything new, especially to educators who are fresh out of college.  It's always nice to see things in a different way however, say, in a peacock shape...

Click here for larger image

It's not that Bloom's ideas are no longer relevant.  It's simply that they need an update.  We already know all the "buzz words" that are used by Bloom, but how do they apply to our classroom these days when we're working to use technology in our classroom?

The website Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has found the key to integrating Bloom's Taxonomy with the internet.  The product?  A peacock-shaped image much like the one above that no longer includes all the taxonomy "buzz words"; instead the peacock is filled with technological tools that we can use to help our students meet the demands of the Common Core State Standards.

Click here for larger image

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